4 Ways To Keep Your Dog Safe In The Car

Cruising down an open road with your doggy pal beside you seems like a pet lover’s dream. You can go on a road trip or even a short getaway with them.

However, dog owners know that getting them to sit still in their seats can be tricky. This can be extremely dangerous – especially if this happens while you’re driving. But this does not mean you have to give up on that dream!

Here are 4 ways we suggest to keep your furry friend safe in the car:


#1 Secure them with a harness or crate 

Dog harnesses and pet crates are good options to keep your pet from moving around. Well-fitted harnesses can be secured to the seat with a dog harness seat belt. On the other hand, crates help keep them safe and comfortable. When picking a pet crate, make sure that the crate is large enough for your dog to stand up and turn around comfortably.

#2 Start small 

Before you start planning your cross-country road trip, it is vital to make sure that your pet is comfortable with car rides. You can bring them with you on short rides around your neighbourhood to get them used to the motions of the car.


#3 Don’t let them hang out the window 

While dogs in movies tend to continuously have their heads sticking out of a window, that can be extremely dangerous. It can be hard for the driver to view the blind spots while driving if your dog is blocking the way. Not to mention that other vehicles may not see your dog and collisions can occur.

#4 Keep the air conditioning on

Anyone living in the Malaysian heat will know that cars can trap heat like a sauna. Imagine sitting still in that heat while you have a fur coat on – that is what it’s like for your pet. Keep the air conditioning to keep your dog safe and comfortable the entire ride.

Do you think you’re ready to hit the road with a man’s best friend? Excited to bring them to the park and play with some pet toys?  What about taking walks in a different place every day?

It’s time for you and your dog to prepare for your next adventure.

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