The Danger of Second-Hand Smoke on Animals

It is not a secret to anyone that smoking is dangerous for the smoker. Because of all the chemical elements that compose a cigarette and the addiction that it conveys, a high percentage of smokers end up with cancer, heart and lung diseases, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smokers are aware of that and are starting to become aware of second-hand smoking. 

What is second-hand smoking?

People who inhale the smoke directly from the tobacco product (cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, pipes, and also vapes) are called ” first-hand smokers.” Second-hand smoke is the smoke inhaled by nonsmokers from burning tobacco products or the smoke exhaled by first-hand smokers. First-hand smoking is extremely dangerous, but so is second-hand smoking for humans and pets, which is usually forgotten in second-hand smoking awareness campaigns.

What are the effects of second-hand smoking?

For humans, second-hand smoking is linked to respiratory problems and infections, is also subject to diseases like chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, and can extend to heart and lung cancer. However, we forget about the dangers of second-hand smoking for pets.

Smoke affects our pets just like us, with respiratory problems and cancers, but also eye infections and allergies, along with nasal cancer, because let’s not forget that our beloved pets have a high sense of smell. Cats also have the chance to develop tumors in the mouth, like lymphoma, when they lick their fur, as residuals of the smoke can stick there.

Birds also have high risks of respiratory problems, eye problems, and skin diseases.

You should also know that smoke from tobacco products sticks to furniture like sofas, chairs, beds, carpets, and even walls. So it’s never safe to smoke inside. The smoke is retained in the room; it colors your furniture and walls a yellowish color, but it also pollutes the air constantly for you and your pets.

What are the signs that your pet is infected?

  • You can check if your pet has breathing problems, like a faint whistle when breathing or getting out of breath quickly after the start of an exercise. 
  • Infected animals can also produce excessive or unusual salivation. 
  • They may also vomit a lot or have diarrhea. 
  • An irregular heartbeat or other cardiac anomalies also indicate that your cat has started having problems from second-hand smoking.

Any lumps on your pets could be a sign of cancer. Any bleeding from the mouth or nasal discharge could also signal problems from too-long exposure to the smoke. 

In any case, we recommend you go see a veterinarian, who will be able to tell you more about your pet’s health and give you advice on how to protect them. It is also possible to check for advice or medication that could help at a special pet pharmacy.

How can I avoid second-hand smoking around pets?

The first solution is to stop smoking. Our beloved pets make us do anything for them, so why not reduce your smoking habits to stop smoking? It is beneficial for you and your animal. Still, you can make some changes to reduce your pet’s secondhand smoking. 

Some people smoke outside to avoid the smoke getting to their pets, and others use air filters and air purifiers. You can bathe your pets regularly to remove residuals. Be careful to throw your cigarette butts away and keep your cigarettes away from your pets, as they tend to eat everything and aren’t aware of what they eat.

Those are alternatives, but the risk of your pet getting exposed to secondhand smoke is not zero with those types of solutions.

If you notice any signs that could indicate your pet has been infected or is sick, or if you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact a veterinarian. Catching any early signs can improve your pet’s chances of recovery in the case of disease.

Make sure your pet is in good shape with healthy supplements: 

Do not hesitate to go to our pet pharmacy or to see our pet care consultant if you have any doubts regarding your pet’s health.

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